Nick Theobald
Senior Partner
Commercial Building Envelope
Nick helps our clients in the building products and construction space find the best possible talent. He and his wife Peg are licensed foster care parents and enjoy camping, hiking, and finding ways to support the Grand Rapids community. Nick also sits on the board of Fellowship of Christian Athletes in the Chicagoland area.
With The Bridger Group since: Feb 2018
Product(s) specialty: Commercial Building Envelope Related Products (Glass, Metal, Roofing, Cladding, Waterproofing, Architectural Products) & Commercial Glass + Cladding Contractors
Favorite Starbucks order: Grande Iced Americano – Black
When I was a kid, my dream job was: Architect by day, NHL player by night
Hidden talent: Wedding Reception Dancing
My favorite part of recruiting is: Helping clients strategize on the best possible practices to attract the best possible talent
What inspires me: Performing a highly valuable service at a level that cannot be found elsewhere
Most common phrase I say in the office: “There are no perfect companies. If you find one, don’t go there because you will ruin it. Find the opportunity that is perfect for you based on your passion and your skillset.”
Favorite sports team: Chicago Bears
What I do when I’m not at work: Explore Michigan and beyond with my beautiful wife and two boys