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There's Still Time!

Hiring Trends

There’s still time to get your best hire in 2022 

Amidst worries about inflation, elections, interest rates and what to expect in the coming year, we’re regularly asked, “Are companies still hiring?” 

The answer is ABSOLUTELY! 

So if you’ve been wavering about whether or not to fill an important role before the end of 2022, now is the time. 

Our average time to fill a position is 44 days, so that means you can have a new hire ready to make a difference for you at the very beginning of 2023.  

If you’re trying to decide whether or not to fill that key position before the New Year, here are 3 things to consider: 

1-  What position(s) have been vacant the longest? An unfilled position in your organization often means other people are stepping up to the plate to fill in the gaps. Thus, there are likely projects not getting done or employees being overworked because you’re understaffed in a key area. Filling this empty position can alleviate stress on those who are effectively covering more than one position and reduce inefficiencies that inevitably come with being understaffed in important areas. 

2- Do you have 2022 budget dollars earmarked for growth and expansion you’ve yet to use? Now is the time to utilize any budget dollars you have left in 2022 to ensure your budget allocations are maintained for 2023. Consider how you might maximize those available dollars with a strategic new hire, while also maintaining your budget for the 2023 fiscal year. 

3- If 2022 was a banner year for you, how are you setting yourself up for 2023? What initiatives and goals do you have as an organization? What new products are you looking to launch in 2023? And who are the people that need to be on board to make that happen? The earlier you fill your open position(s), the more time your new talent will have in 2023 to effectively reach important goals. By hiring now, you can avoid losing precious time in January, and instead, rest easy knowing you already have a team in place and well positioned to make your 2023 goals and initiatives reality. 

Right now as you read this, there is still time. 

  • Time to set yourself up for success in 2023.
  • Time to fill that important role that has gone unfilled far too long. 

Let’s get that missing person on board and ready to hit the ground running in 2023. 

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